Governance & Transparency


The Trustless Computing Association (TCA) is a non-profit association within the meaning of Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (“CC”). It was created on May 21st, 2021 in Geneva. It previously operated as an Italian non-profit association established in 2015.

TCA is governed by four members of its Board and Assembly: Rufo Guerreschi, David Cova, Roberto Savio and Alexandre Horvath. Rufo Guerreschi is the founder, President and Executive Director. It benefits from the advice and support of three advisory boards composed of distinguished members.

Future Governance

The governance of its Harnessing AI Risk Initiative, is planned to be transferred soon to a to-be-established Coalition of the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative, and then to a critical mass of globally-diverse states (at least 7), except the unchangeable mandate to maintain the initiative oper to states and other stakeholders on equal medium and long-term terms.


The Trustless Computing Association is a non-profit association within the meaning of Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (“CC”). It was created on May 21st, 2021 in Geneva. Available on qualified request:

  • Founders' Meeting, of May 21st 2021

  • Current Statute, revised on May 9th 2024

  • Minutes of the General Assembly and Board Meeting of the Trustless Computing Association of May 23rd, 2023. Includes:

    • Annual Activity Report (May 2021- May 2022)

    • Annual Activity Report (May 2023- May 2023)

    • Financial Report (May 2021- May 2022)

    • Financial Report (May 2022- May 2023)

    • Programme of Action (May 2023- May 2024)

    • Budget (May 2023- May 2024)

  • A General Assembly and Board Meeting of the Trustless Computing Association was held on May 20th, 2024 to approve Annual Activity and Financial Report of the past year and the Programme and Budget for 2024-2025 as well as a revised Statute.

Swiss Registration: For Geneva-based associations, it is not required to register with the Chamber of Commerce, unless they perform commercial activities. We intend to register soon and apply for "tax-exempt status" as soon as we receive our sizable donations.